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How to Make Friends in a New City 2023

Or use the initial lull in your social schedule to take up a new hobby, like learning a new language or instrument — the sort of thing you’ve maybe always wanted to do and hadn’t had the time. Eventually, after I’d set up an apartment, I started plotting how I was going to make friends in Louisville. Additionally, a roommate not only comes with friendship potential, but a little help with the bills can put some extra money in your pocket to get out and enjoy yourself.

  • Imagine if you couldn’t drop by a co-worker’s desk during your very first job, or go out for drinks after work with your colleagues.
  • But the avalanche method is usually the smarter move from a financial perspective, says Ulzheimer, as it reduces interest costs fastest.
  • Engage in whatever activities you enjoy and make conversation with other members.
  • Some people love sharing the things they wish they’d known when they were in your shoes.
  • If it helps, pick up a journaling practice and allow your fears and apprehensions to flow on the page—and then leave them there.
  • We all exchanged numbers, which led to us meeting each others’ roommates.

They may prefer to spend lunch hours and coffee breaks with kids, significant others, roommates, pets, or virtual fitness classes. If you have a few friends, chances are they have a few friends. Email, text, or simply ask your friends if they know anyone in the place you’re moving to. When moving to a new city, having a point person is so helpful. So often people just move without planning and then find themselves quite depressed and feeling alone. Just like you might try four coffee shops before deciding on your favorite, you’re going to have to do some experimenting with where and how to make new friends.

Take Advantage of Existing Opportunities

Try spending time with the parents of your kids’ new school friends. Or maybe your partner made some new friends, and you get along with them or their partner. You’re not only meeting potential new friends with similar values, but you’re also sharing your time with those in need and giving back to society. Like dating apps, friendship apps can connect you with potential new friends.

Instead of worrying about being rejected, or dwelling on the fact that you might not be fun enough, channel your inner child. Research shows that after the age of 25, most adult friendships start to dwindle. Of course, some of this has to do with changing jobs, getting married, moving, and even having children. Sherri Gordon, CLC is a published author, certified professional life coach, and bullying prevention expert. “I know this works for some people, but I’ve never had great luck making friends through my kids’ activities,” says Lin.

The importance of social connections

My office is very small with a total of three people, but I have heard stories from other interns who work with over 50 people who they get to interact with daily. Arrange virtual coffees or happy hours to connect with people. Meeting people, and making friends, does take effort and time… Thankfully, a new city and a new job give you many potential connections to explore. “The upshot is, we function best when this social need is met. It is easier to stay motivated, to meet the varied challenges of life,” writes Marano.

  • Another effortless way to make friends in a new city is to get a dog – unless you’ve moved with your dog, of course.
  • You might find out about some virtual meet ups that will feel even less intimidating to go to.
  • Set up a virtual coffee break, lunch break, or happy hour with them, but don’t ask for an hour, ask for minutes maximum.
  • Everyone can gain insight on these important workplace and life issues.

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